Cheap Minecraft Server Hosting

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Minecraft Server Hosting Rent

Minecraft was developed by Markus Notch Persson as a game that allows you to make designs with various cubes on skill development. It was published publicly on May 16, 2009 under the umbrella of the Mojang company, which Notch founded. The game has had a very tight player base since its release. It is ranked 5th among the most played games in the world of 2019. Many servers prefer Rabisu as a hosting company, including Craftrise, Turkey's largest minecraft server. If you want to set up a minecraft server, you can rent a minecraft server right away by choosing the most suitable package for you.

Plugin Pack
Web Script
VIP Sales System
DDOS Protect
Prices starting from $0,60/per month.

Minecraft Server Setup

Welcome to the minecraft server rental firm that hosts the largest servers in Turkey, aiming for quality service and high performance. You can rent the best quality minecraft server at the cheapest price through our company.

Basic Server,
Mod doesn’t supported
Immediate delivery
Advanced Admin Panel
Free DDOS Protection
Free Add-on Pack
Insufficient for mods,
Suitable for new versions
Immediate delivery
Advanced Admin Panel
Free DDOS Protection
Free Add-on Pack
Suitable for some mods and all versions
Immediate delivery
Advanced Admin Panel
Free DDOS Protection
Free Add-on Pack
Suitable for some mods and all versions
Immediate delivery
Advanced Admin Panel
Free DDOS Protection
Free Add-on Pack
Suitable for all mods and all versions
Immediate delivery
Advanced Admin Panel
Free DDOS Protection
Free Add-on Pack
Suitable for all mods and all versions
Immediate delivery
Advanced Admin Panel
Free DDOS Protection
Free Add-on Pack
Website Script Features
Click to View Site Demo
Website Script User Panel Features
Market System
Support System
Warehouse System
User Registration Screen
User Login Screen
Forgot Password Page
Copying IP Address with One Click
Home Server Statistics Section
Home Discord Screen
Announcement Feature
Special page for the announcement
Player Inquiry
Latest credit uploaders
Most borrowers
Users of the last market
Change Password
Email replacement
The last 30 action segments made by the player
Credit loading history
Purchase history
Active products section
Credit loading system
Credit transfer system
Two-step Verification system
Website Script Admin Panel Features
Homepage - Number of Members
Homepage - Support requests pending
Home - Active products
Homepage - Latest Purchases
Homepage - Daily, Monthly and Annual Earnings
Homepage - Earnings Forecast
Homepage - Latest insights about the script
View all posts
View existing posts
Editing existing posts
Completely remove existing posts
Ability to create special categories for articles
Ability to add new text
Ability to add images for text
Adding Pages to the Site
Ability to choose from different themes from the theme page
Ability to add site logo
Ability to add site background
Set the site color
Determine site width
Adding a top menu, editing and changing the order
Advanced support requests page
Creating a canned response to the support system
User blocking system from support request
View all members page
Editing, deleting and managing members
Add member page
Member search page
Sending credit to member page
Multiple server attachment system
View all servers page
Web console page for servers
Market products display page
Product add page
Product-specific Price and time determination
Creating categories for market products
Add a description to the product
Adding a custom image to the product
Ability to send commands to the product-specific server
Creating a product-specific campaign
Credit transactions page
Market transactions page
Gift transactions page
Active products page
Authme link
Websend link
Site general settings page
System settings page
SMTP Mail system
Payment methods page
Packages We Offer Free and Their Contents
Skyblock Pack

Test Server Ip:

Island Add-on
Market System
Advanced Ban System
Cash System
Menu System
Advanced Protection System
Quick Craft System
Hologram System
Ranking System
Announcement System
Mine Regeneration System
Multiple Chest System
Safe Trade
Server MOTD System
Item Spawner System
User Registration and Login System
Faction Pack

Test Server Ip:

Advanced Cheat Protection System
Market System
Automatic Collection System
Cash System
Remaining Health Show
Rank System
Block Effect System
Hologram System
Person Game System
Announcement System
Mystical Mob System
Fast Market System
Land System
Mine Regeneration System
VIP Special Effects System
Timed VIP System
Multiple Version System
Survival Pack

Test Server Ip:

Animation Panel
Common Server Features
Free Website Script
If you want to set up a website for your server, it is now very easy, we are giving away our website script worth 100 TL as a gift to all our Minecraft packages.
Free Vip Sales System
You can increase your Rabisu balance by selling or receiving donations from your website with the Rabpay VIP Sales system that we provide integrated with our Minecraft script.
M2. NVME Infrastructure
M2 giving 3500 Mbps Read speed to 3000 Write speed on all our minecraft servers. We use NVME discs so you won't have the slightest performance problem on our game servers.
DDOS Protection
In addition to our physical firewall devices on our game servers, we also protect our servers with software firewall rules. Thus, your server will not be affected in a possible DDOS attack.
Instant Setup
All of our game servers are connected to the automation system, the orders you complete the payment are set up by the system in a few minutes and your panel information is reflected on your customer panel.
Low Ping
The game servers must have low ping values, we host all our servers in Turkey in order to offer the lowest ping values, so we offer low ping values between 5-40.
How long does it take to deliver the Minecraft server?
The Minecraft servers you have rented are connected to the automation system, after you make your payment, they will be automatically installed and the management panel information will be reflected on your customer panel in a few minutes.
Why should we choose Rabisu in Minecraft server hosting?
At Rabisu, we are meticulous about hardware; our servers are equipped with high-performance Ryzen processors, lightning-fast RAM, and NVMe M.2 SSDs. We put an end to server downtime with our superior DDoS-protected servers. Our advanced control panel makes server management a breeze. We guarantee you'll find the most affordable Minecraft server rentals with us.
How long does it take to deliver the Minecraft server?
If the current server capacity is not enough for your players, you can increase the server hardware by upgrading the package at any time. After the package upgrade, there will be no reset in your files, and your server will continue from where it left off.
How can I check the server after I get it?
Along with our Minecraft server rental services, it will come with an advanced admin panel where you can manage your server, your panel information will be reflected in your customer panel.
Do you help with administration and server settings?
Customer support has always been the most important point for us, you can adjust the settings of your server with the guides we have prepared for you on the management of your Minecraft server, or you can request the preparation of a guide for the setting you want.
What's included in the Minecraft service?
You will be allocated an admin panel where you can manage your server with Minecraft you have rented or will be rented, and the add-on packages we provide free of charge.
Do you have DDOS protection on your servers?
Anti-DDOS rules, which we have developed specifically for Minecraft servers, are actively filtering on all our firewall devices, so you can continue to play without interrupting your game pleasure in any attack.

Minecraft Server Setup

Minecraft is still one of the most played games in the world, even though years have passed since its release. Therefore, the most established game servers are Minecraft. Those who play the game and those who want to open their own servers are doing research on setting up a Minecraft server and renting a Minecraft server. With Rabisu, one of Turkey's leading server service providers, you can have an affordable and quality server.

How to set up Minecraft server?

Minecraft server kurma is pretty easy. You don't have to deal with it for long hours. Before installing the server, it is useful to determine your needs. You can choose a server configuration considering the number of players and the modes you will use. Let's say that all our servers support unlimited players.

When you buy a Minecraft server rental service, the server is set up automatically. You just choose the server package you want, buy it and your server is ready in seconds. With the advanced server panel, you can control everything that is happening on your server and make the changes you want easily. If you do not have previous experience in setting up a server, you can get information on how to install by watching the guide video on our YouTube channel

Why should you choose us?

A quality server is extremely important for a good gaming experience. Thanks to a good server, there are no delays in the game, players can access the server 24/7 and the technical support team can be reached whenever needed. Rabisu includes all these features that server owners demand. You can easily open your Minecraft server on our site.

Your Minecraft site is on us!

When you get a Minecraft server, you need a website so your community can easily find you and see information about your server. We are giving away 100 TL worth of website scripts with all Minecraft packages in our company. With the Minecraft site script, you can easily set up a Minecraft server site.

There is also a VIP sales system integrated into the script we provide with the packages. You can sell VIPs or receive donations through your Rabpay VIP sales system website.

Your server is in good hands

It is important that the server is secure and stores data well. Because when a Minecraft server is not well protected, data loss may occur and unauthorized persons can access sensitive data on the server. Your Minecraft server, which is hosted by Rabisu, is strictly protected by both physical firewall device and software firewall rules. Thus, DDOS attacks on your server can be prevented.

Say goodbye to annoying ping problems

High ping can cause in-game lags, making the game unplayable. Thanks to Rabisu's powerfully equipped servers, it is possible to play Minecraft with very low ping.

Servers are ready in seconds by Strong infrastructure

All of our Minecraft servers use NVME disks that offer 3500 Mbps read speed and 3000 Mbps write speed. In this way, no matter which server package you choose, you can always get high performance.

All game servers have automation system. So when you buy a package, you don't have to wait long for the server to activate. After the purchase, our system automatically processes the order and makes the server ready. Information about your server, which is ready within minutes, can be viewed on the customer panel.

Enjoy the game with the 24/7 open Minecraft server

No need to wait to play games! Your Minecraft servers are always available, hosted on our high-quality VDS and VPS servers. For setting up a Minecraft 24/7 open server, you can choose any of our server packages and activate your server in a few minutes.